Sunday, November 30, 2008

Top Shop!

Pout Premium Pom Pom heel

I wish that there was a Top Shop in the United States that I could go to. I am in love with their winter Going Out stuff. It's all so wonderful!
Today I'm wearing my pleated green skirt with my black 3 button 3/4 sleeved hoodie, blue star tank top, and (the best part) Lacy tights adn Gabrielle's heels!
I have also decided it is much better to accept that I will Not participate in any homework, than to pretend to be motivated enough to work!

Satin Corsage Belt

Gold Painted Jeans

Satin Bow Backed Dress

SEQUINED Party Frock!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Little

I bought my pixi lip blush yesterday! Which is an acomplishment, because I have been babysitting it at Target everytime I visit. That was yesterday though.
Today I was not too frilly. Mostly cause I had to go to work earlyyy, and woke up late, so I lacked the time to become girly.
My nalis are painted shiny navy blue with a sparkly topcoat!
Today I went to the indie theatre, so maybe that counts! J'adore mon garçon!

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Most tragically I have not done anything frilly today.

Yesterday was much more successful:
My roots were bleached, and all of my hair was made a paler blondie colour.
Then I proceded to curl it and apply make up, for no reason! Fantastic!
Actually, I have lied about my frilliness today.
I wore my party dress, tights and heels all day! And wore dusty pink eye shadow!
Tomorrow I hope to purchase Pixi Lip Blush in Love !
The Strokes!